Thursday, November 27, 2008


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nail Fungus - The Causes, Symptoms, Treatments And Preventions by Darren W -

If you notice some white spots on your nails with progressive thickening and frequent itching, and you guessed that some kind of bacteria invaded your fingers or toes, you are almost right. You are possibly infected by the nail fungus.

What is Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a kind of finger and toenail infection. This type of fungus comes from the bacteria called dermatophyte contained in yeasts and molds, which is also the source of such skin infections as athlete's foot, jock itch, tinea capitis, and ringworm. Nail fungus infection is to blame for half of all nail disorders and millions of Americans today suffer from it.

Causes of Nail Fungus

Mostly adults and persons with diabetes or leukemia are susceptible to nail fungal infection due to the waning of the immune system, blood circulation problems, and aging. Nail fungus are naturally anaerobic. Meaning, they live in places where there is low oxygen supply, and that is why the toenails is its favorite habitat

Other than these, there are several more factors that cause the development of this disease. Regular exposure to chemicals and water is one, but the most common is heavy perspiration and lack of hygiene. Keeping your feet confined in your shoes often without proper care may cause the bacteria to grow.

Symptoms of Nail fungus

The signs that a person has acquired nail fungi infection includes: thick, brittle nails with white, green, or yellow discoloration, an obvious crumbling of edges, and gradual detachment of the nail from its plate. It is accompanied by pain, redness, swelling, and worse, a foul odor.

Treatments of Nail Fungus

For starters, doctors normally prescribe topical and oral remedies like Lamisil, Tinactin, Penlac, and the like. There are also homemade cures that specialists support. One is the vinegar method. You soak the infected area in vinegar for 15-20 minutes twice per day. This may take a couple of weeks or until the bacteria dies. The acid content of vinegar slowly kills the bacteria and prevents it from reproducing.

Prevention of Nail Fungus

However, prevention is still better than cure. A few effective means may help lessen the threat of acquiring nail fungal disease, here's what you can do:

1. Always clean-cut your nails.

2. Avoid contact with individuals who have nail fungal infection.

3. Avoid wearing nail polish and artificial nails too often. If use of these is necessary, make sure to dry-clean your toes before applying them.

4. Sanitize the instruments you use on your nails. If you are a fan of pedicures and manicures by a salon, make sure they are sterilized before they use it on you.

5. Apply foot powder on your feet before wearing shoes.

6. Wear the appropriate socks. Choose the ones that don't induce perspiration.

7. As much as possible, wear slippers in public pools.

As our human body is always a vacant lot for various breeds of good and bad bacteria, we should always take precautions. Fungi not only take residence in nails, they also feed on dead tissues of the scalp and skin. Proper hygiene is always the best defense against these harmful microscopic monsters. A clean body inside and out can save us a great deal.

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3 Simple tips to prevent nail fungus by Ryan

Nail fungus infection can span from a simple infection that can be easily cured with in days to severe infections that might take months to get cured. The nail infection can lead to discolouration of the nails from brown colour to black colour. The colour of the nails depends upon the species of the infected fungi and the health condition of the individual. Along with discolouration, the infection might also lead to constant chipping of the nails. In some serious cases, it can lead to stinging pain on the nail bed also.

There are many ways through which the fungus can enter the body to cause infection. By preventing the entry of the fungus or even by cutting the contact of the fungus with the nail or the skin can greatly help to avoid any fungal infection. This not only holds well for just the toenail fungal infection, but also for all the fungal infections.

There are many tips to prevent the fungus from colonising in your skin especially the toes and the toe nails. The primary thing of concern to prevent the fungal infection is cleanliness. After coming home from outside, it is better to wash the hands and feet with warm water and soap which will primarily wash away the fungi on the skin. For persons who are very susceptible to the fungal infection, they can soak their feet in apple cider diluted with the same amount of water (50:50) for at least half an hour. The acidic nature of the apple cider helps kill the fungus if at all on the feet.

One should never forget to wear sandals while going out. The sandals act as a barrier for the fungus to reach the foot. Also while talking about the sandals, all the sandals especially the inside portions have to be washed thoroughly at frequent intervals. Even tight sandals can cause excessive perspiration in the foot which in turn allow the fungus to grow owing to the dampness and darkness available for them to grow. Loose sandals on the other hand allow the feet to breathe and less chance of infection.

The most effective and easy way to avoid fungal colonies is by keeping the feet dry for maximum part of the day. Even after the shower, care has to be taken to pat the feet with dry clothes and make it dry. Water stagnation between the toe finger is an ideal place for the fungal growth. As the proverb goes, prevention is better than cure, it is better to avoid any condition that favours the growth of the fungus.

Finally, though not proved scientifically much, the diet can play a major role in combating the infections. Taking a lot of curd or foods rich in vitamin C and probiotics, can help to fight infections very effectively.

Fighting with the infection at an early stage than letting it mature can also help tp prevent any further infections. In case of any doubts, the doctor can be contacted to prescribe the medicines.

Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis) - An Overview Of Nail Fungus Infection by Darren W -

Does the term Onychomycosis (on-ee-koh-my-ko-sis) sound bad to you? Wait till you see it. But better make sure they won't be on your own nails or you might not want to see your fingers for a time. To give you an overview, Onychomycosis is the scientific name for nail fungal infection. This type of nail abnormality is caused by the bacterium called dermatophyte or tinea unguium, of which sources include yeasts and molds. This bacterium is also the source of such skin infections as athlete's foot, jock itch, and the common ringworm.

Onychomycosis is 50 per cent more common than other nail disorders. It consists of several subtypes: Distal Subungual Onychomycosis (this takes place when the fungus affects the nailbed); White Superficial Onychomycosis (happens when the fungus forms "white islands" on the outer layers of the nail bed); Proximal Subungual Onychomycosis (if the fungus seeps through the proximal nail fold); Candidal Onychomycosis (is caused by the bacterium candida, when the nails are overexposed in water); Total Dystrophic Onychomycosis (when the nail plate is completely ruined).

Normally, men are more prone to nail fungal infection than women. Nail fungi can actually infect anyone but those with diabetes or leukemia should take extra care, the same goes for adults especially ages 60 and above. Having declining immune system and troubled blood circulation is what makes them more vulnerable.

This infection is characterized by the thickening and discoloration (yellow, white, or black of the nails. Minor pain is felt in the infected area while the nail slowly detaches from its plate. This kind of fungus easily spawns in warm and moist areas, thus, always finding settlement under our toenails and seldom on the fingernails.

How does the nail get contaminated? Nail fungal infection are anaerobic microorganisms, which means that they thrive in warm and wet areas. The little supply of oxygen keeps them surviving making our nails the safest place for them to breed. They feed on the keratin substance of the nails and slowly destroy them.

Usually, walking barefoot in public swimming pools, communal shower rooms, and gyms gives them access to your toenails, while overexposing your hands to water and harmful chemicals allow the bacteria to grow in your fingernails. To cure the infection, consult a specialist at the early stages of growth. There are common oral and topical treatments that doctors commonly prescribe such as Lamisil, Penlac, Tinactin, and lacquer, among others.

If you are a fan of alternative medicines, vinegar works well as anti-fungal remedy. Soaking the infected part in vinegar for 15-20 minutes twice daily until the infection heals kills the bacteria because of its strong acid contact. Applying Vicks VapoRub on the area is also a popular treatment.

Meanwhile, the rules for preventing nail fungal infection are easy. Three simple ways: Keep your hands and feet dry and apply foot powder on your feet if you must; never walk barefoot in wet, public places; and most importantly, maintain good hygiene. Then, you are guaranteed to be fungi-proof but for awhile.

Foot Care to Avoid Nail Fungus by R. Drysdale

Medical research tells us that some people are at greater risk of fungal infection than others, but all of us can lower our risk with good foot care to avoid nail fungus. These infections usually start in a toenail and spread to other toes and then to the hands, so paying extra attention to the feet lowers the risk of fingernail infections too. It’s likely the feet are more often infected because they get less air circulation, are washed less often, and come in contact with contaminated surfaces more frequently.

Good nail hygiene protects nails from onychomycosis. A simple routine of foot washing and nail care can make a big difference. Wash your feet daily, making sure that you wash between the toes where dirt and dead skin cells can easily become trapped (dirt often contains fungal spores and dead skin cells are one of the things fungi use for food, so its important to clear these things away). Complete your foot care to avoid nail fungus by drying just as carefully between the toes using a clean dry area of the towel for each toe. If you put moisturizer on your feet, do not use it between your toes because this can increase the moisture there, which encourages fungi to grow.

Healthy nails are another part of foot care to avoid nail fungus. Keep your nails clean and trimmed, clearing away any material lodged under the nail, and removing jagged or chipped ends. Trim hangnails carefully, doing as little damage to the surrounding tissue as possible, and do not cut the cuticles. If you wear nail polish, clean it off frequently so that you can see the condition of the nail underneath. Remembering that good hygiene protects nails from onychomycosis, always wear shoes in public places and do not share nail care instruments with others. Buy your own tools and take them with you if you visit nail salons.

Keeping your feet comfortable not only makes sense, but it’s important foot care to avoid nail fungus. Footwear that’s tight and airless, sandals that don’t protect your toes from bumps and scratches, and synthetic socks that don’t allow air circulation or absorb moisture all contribute to the growth of fungi. Hot sweaty feet should be washed and dried, as should dirty feet or feet that have been in wet shoes or boots. Even minor injuries can be the start of a problem, so first aid is important.

Though good hygiene protects nails from onychomycosis, it sometimes isn’t enough. If you see discoloration of thickening of a nail that could signal the start of an infection, consult a medical professional promptly for a diagnosis.

About the Author

>R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Foot Care to Avoid Nail Fungus, at Nail Fungus Treatment, a blog dedicated to the treatment of fingernail and toenail fungus.

Learn About Fungal Nail Infection Remedy by Dawn Smith

Many people suffer from fungal nail infection or Onychomycosis, which is basically an infection of the nails caused by fungus. This infection can impair the quality of life, but it is curable with an effective fungal nail infection remedy.

Before we get into how to treat fungal nail infection, it is essential that we understand just what nail fungus infection is and what its causes and symptoms are.

Our body actually hosts different microorganisms that include fungi and bacteria. Some of these microorganisms are very useful for our body. But there are a few microorganisms that rapidly multiply and form infections. A fungus normally lives on the dead tissues of the nails, hair, and outer layers of skin as well.

Fungal infections comprise mold like fungus which results in problems like Athlete's Foot, Tinea Capitis, Jock Itch, and Ringworm.

Usually adults have the problem of fungal nail infections and this problem, if not treated, may cause a fungal disease of the feet. Nail infections are hard to treat and they tend to re-occur frequently. It is to be noted here that the toe nails gets more infected than finger nails.

People who regularly go to public swimming pools, shower rooms or even gyms, or people that perspire a lot are usually more prone to developing this mold like infection. This is because the fungi that cause the infection grow more in warm or moist places (hence toenails being worse than fingernails).

Furthermore, if one wears closed or tight footwear for a long time, he or she may be at high risk of getting affected by the fungal nail infection for the reasons given above.

Some of the specific symptoms of fungal infection in nails include discoloration, loss of shine and luster of nails, loosening, thickening or distortion of nails, and waste being trapped under the nail.

Thus, if you notice any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor. Your doctor will examine and determine the type of fungal infection depending on the appearance of the nails.

You should take the appropriate fungal nail infection remedy to fully cure it and prevent it's reoccurrence. Remember not to do self-diagnosis as it may aggravate the problem. You should avoid taking over-the-counter medicines, creams and ointments unless you are sure of your condition. Prescribed antifungal medicines are often taken by mouth and are usually stronger and more effective than counter-top remedies. In severe cases doctor may remove the nail. Thereafter, nails grow slowly, but it will take time, say a year for a new and clearer nail to grow in.

In order to prevent this type infection you need to maintain overall good health and hygiene, keep your skin clean and dry, and take proper care of the nails.

So, now you know the fungal nail infection remedy, hopefully you will soon have lustrous and shiny nails with no trace of fungus.

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This is one of many articles covering various health ailments that commonly effect us. Have a look at Infections And Remedies to see great advice on all types of issues from bladder infection to sinus infection.